Origin of sungai kawat

In West Kalimantan, there is a wide and long river, the river is famous throughout Indonesia. Narnanya Kapuas River. Kapuas River is a lot of branches. Branches in the form of small rivers and numerous. One branch is the River Wire. Why is called the River Wire? Well check out the story below.

Wire River lies the city of Sintang, West Kalimantan. In ancient times, when new Sintang city founded by Djubair I, there lived a fisherman of the river with his wife and children. They live not far from the river that wire.

Families were classified as poor fishermen. Every day the father just hang hidupnyadari fishing. Sometimes lucky, but there are times when a full day he does not get a fish too. One day, the fishermen had gone fishing. He rnembawa two fishing rods. This is done to maintain the possibility if the pole broke, he still could use a pole that again.He rowed his boat into the River Wire (at that time there has been no name). After the rod was given the bait, hook it diulurkannya into the water and he waited for pole drawn by the fish. The sun was high, but not too close to hook a fish the fisherman, let alone to eat the bait. However, fishermen did not quickly give up. It has been several times he was on the move in the river, but the situation is the same. Fishermen had been determined that if he went home, he must rnembawa fish for his wife and children, although only one.

As the sun began leaning to the western horizon, he rowed his boat over the river in the hope that there are no fish that will draw pole. In a small bay that a lot of rock, the fisherman in the vicinity berhenti.tanah mossy and overgrown trees pohon.kayu great.
"Maybe a lot of fish here," thought the fisherman.
He began to replace the bait pole with a new bait. Then it diulurnya fishing rod into the water. After so long he waited, no pole signs will be drawn by the fish. When the sun hampirterbenam and fishermen will go home, suddenly the pole pulled out loud from the water. Fishermen lifted once menyentaknya pancingnyadan upward. "Ah, this huge fish," pikirsi fishermen.

The fish was caught in fishing line fishing line and pulled it to the sidelines of the existing stone on the riverbank. Fishing lines stretched longer kept by the fisherman for fishing line was not broken. When the pull of the water began to weaken, fishing pole was pulled back to the top rope. By the time the fishermen were pulling pole, fishing line was pulled back from the water leads to the middle river. Quickly, fishing pole was handed back so as not to break. When it was already dark. Additionally, the leaves add a lush darkness in that place. The mosquitoes are swarming the fisherman not dihiraukannya. His mind was only focused on fish that will be gained.

At the time of the pull of the water into the river, fishing boats took part attracted to the middle river. Gulf river was quite deep. Color blackish water looks for it was now dark.
Finally, the natural attraction of water began to weaken. The fishermen began pulling back to the top rope pole. However, the fish was not yet visible. Fishermen were more careful to keep the fish do not escape.

When the entire rope pole has been raised, not a fish looked. Pertaining to the pole is the end of the wire rope. "Well, the fish loose," pikirsi fishermen. His hands reach out to the tip wires on the pole-related. He watched the end of the wire was in the shadows of the night. She saw the wire yellowish. Once it is known that wire gold wire, he began to pull.

One fathoms, two fathoms, he felt not enough. However, if he would be grateful to one of two fathoms course of his life will be well off, will not suffer from poverty. But the nature of the greedy have taken possession of him. He wanted to become the richest man in the village. So he wanted to get the gold wire as much as possible. He continued to draw and pull the wire from the rivers. Though he had long pull,. Wire had not been exhausted.

"Ah, very long. I'll be the richest man in the world," thought the fisherman. he continues to pull the wire regardless of the day getting darker. Have full-sampan with gold wire coil. He continued to draw and draw gold wire that is inexhaustible.From inside came the sound of water, "Sudaaaaaaaah, please, just cut the wires."

However, the fisherman did not ignore the voice. He continued to draw and pull the wire because he wanted to quickly become rich. There was the sound of the water again warned him a second time.

However, the fishermen were still just do not care. Because the fishing boat was already too full with gold wire, the water began to enter.
The fisherman who has become a voracious still not stop pulling wire. While perlahari water-land continues to creep into the boat. Fishermen were realized after the water has really meet the boat. But too late, immediately the boat was sunk with the fisherman into the riverbed.Fishermen were never arise, he died on the bottom of the river due to excessive greed. That is why the river is called River Wire.