Batu golok

In antiquity in the area near the River Padamara Sawing in West Nusa Tenggara lived a poor family. The wife named Inaq Lembain and her husband named Amaq Lembain. Their livelihoods are agricultural laborers. Every day they walk kedesa village offers strength to pound rice. If Inaq Lembain pound rice it came with her two children as well. One day, he was busy pounding rice. Both children placed on a flat rock near where he worked.

Surprisingly, when Inaq began to pound, the rock where they sit more and more ascending. Feeling like removed, then the eldest son started calling his mother: "Mother is the higher the stone." But unfortunately Inaq Lembain was busy working. Answered, "My son just wait a minute, Mom was just pounding."

That happened repeatedly. Flat stone is increasingly rising to more than a coconut tree. The two children then scream uncontrollably. However, Inaq Lembain keep busy pounding and winnowing rice. Children's voices were getting more and more faint. Eventually the voice was not heard from again.

Goloq stone was increasingly high. Up to bring the children reach the clouds. They were crying uncontrollably. Just when it Inaq Lembain realized, that her children are gone. They were taken up by the Stone Goloq. Inaq Lembain sobbed. He then prayed for to take his son. Syahdan prayer was answered. He was given magical powers. with his belt he will be able to cut off the Stone Goloq it. Miraculously, the stone was cut with his belt severed into three parts. The first part falls in a place which later was named the Village Gembong olrh because the soil there quivering. The second part falls in a place called Stone Dasan because there are people who witnessed the fall of a fragment of this stone. And the last piece falls somewhere rumbling noise. So the place was named Montong Teker.

While the two children had not fallen to earth. They have turned into a two-tailed bird. The eldest son turned into a bird Kekuwo and sister turned into a bird Kelik. Therefore, both derived from humans, the two birds were not able to incubate their eggs.